Each week, we will offer a Stoic reflection and exercises to deepen the practice of Stoicism in a journey of self-discovery and personal strength

You may chain my leg, but not my will.


At the border of our body and spirit stands an impregnable wall, where true freedom resides. No matter how strong the chains that cling to our skin, they can never penetrate the fortress of our spirit. For the spirit, like the wind, is free and ethereal; it cannot be chained nor harmed. Any attempt to do so is as futile as trying to catch the wind with a net.

Iron chains may limit our mobility, they may confine our body within a confined space, but they cannot control our mind, our will, nor our spirit. They cannot make our decisions, they cannot destroy our dreams, and they certainly cannot steal our happiness.

Chains are a metaphor for the external circumstances that often limit us in life. We may be trapped in a job we dislike, we may be in a relationship that suffocates us, or we may be fighting an illness that threatens our existence. But in all these cases, our reaction to these circumstances is what truly matters. Our will is the most powerful tool we have to face any adversity.

Will, unlike our circumstances, is completely under our control. We may not be able to change the world around us, but we always have the power to change our perception and our attitude towards it. We can choose to accept things as they are, and move forward with resilience and determination, or we can resist them, and live in constant frustration and discontent.

Modern Stoicism urges us to accept the circumstances we cannot change, and to channel our energy into the things we can change. It teaches us that true freedom is not found in the absence of external restrictions, but in the ability to maintain our indomitable will in the face of any adversity.

So, when life puts chains on you, remember: "You may chain my leg, but not my will." Because as long as your will remains free, you will always be free.


How might you maintain your will and spirit free despite the physical or external limitations you might face?


During this week, consider a limitation or challenge you are facing. Reflect on how you can keep your will strong and focused despite this limitation. Try exercising your will in small ways each day, reaffirming your ability to choose your attitude and responses regardless of the circumstances.